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How to Use Your Reputation to Boost Sales: The Power of Social Proofing

In the business world, social proofing your reputation can have a significant impact on boosting your sales. As a society, we are heavily influenced by what others think – it’s part of the reason why influencer marketing is thriving! We love to see what the people we trust the most (sprinkled in with celebs that …

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The Reputation-Reality Gap: Does Your Brand Meet Expectations?

The reputation-reality gap is a long-held theory that occurs when a brand’s or individual’s reputation doesn’t match reality. Reputation is essentially a matter of stakeholder perception, and reality is the truth. With an influx of consumer demand regarding corporate social responsibility, we’re seeing more and more cases of whitewashing, greenwashing, and businesses essentially not fulfilling …

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The Role of Online Reviews

Your reputation is the most important thing when it comes to your business. There’s no point in having a great branding strategy if your company has a reputation for poor customer service or a bunch of negative online reviews. Just like there’s no point in investing money in advertising your product or service offering if …

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