Why Brand Consistency is Key

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘consistency is key’ when it comes to branding, but have you ever really considered why it’s so important? Quite often, an ad will come on TV or the radio and I instantly know what brand the ad is for before the logo appears, or the name is announced. I’m sure … Read more

Vision, Mission, Values and Why: The Importance of Brand Purpose

So, you’re starting out in business and probably eager to dive straight into coming up with a name and designing a logo. You might have even started setting up your website and socials. It’s all very exciting, but rushing into all of this before defining your purpose, could cost you more time and money down … Read more

Social Media Features You May Have Missed

2020 was certainly an interesting year, to say the least (and has unfortunately carried over to 2021!) While the pandemic raged on, people started running out of things to do, and as we went into lockdown around the globe, the social media tech-heads put their brains together to come up with some new social media … Read more

Baffled by Branding, Brand Strategy & Brand Identity? Let us Break it Down For You!

Branding, brand strategy and brand identity – we’re sure you’ve heard these words flying around before and while they do sound like fancy buzz words, they actually have more substance and meaning. When you think of building a brand, your mind usually goes straight to the tangible things like a kick-ass logo or super fun … Read more

2020: The Year of Digital Transformation

2020 was a year like no other and one that many of us small businesses would prefer to forget. Yes, we saw panic buying sweep supermarkets where aisles of toilet paper and food staples were emptied, but this wasn’t the case for most other non-essential businesses. Many lost business, were forced to adhere to trading … Read more

What are Branded Instagram Story GIFs?

Whether you pronounce it ‘GIF’ or ‘JIF’, we’re almost certain that you’ve used these fun little animations at least once in your life! But did you know that you can actually create custom GIFs, specific to your brand? Let’s dumb it down a bit Before we get too ahead of ourselves, we should probably explain … Read more

Black Friday – Shop till you Drop or Stop the Unnecessary Shop?

Like a lot of American traditions, Black Friday has (over the years) caught on within the Australian retail scene, promising bargain buys that you’ll never be able to get again!! They’re always limited in edition, while stocks last or never seen before discounts. Are they really though? One study showed that 60% of all items … Read more

The Results of the 2020 Yellow Social Media Report are in…

Remember the Yellow pages? That big, chunky book that you got delivered every year without asking, only for it to be used as a spider squasher or a step to get the chocolate off the top shelf? Well, it still exists! Much like everything though, it now exists in an online capacity, and every year … Read more

A Simple Guide to Website Security

At least 30,000 websites are hacked every day and a cyberattack happens every 39 seconds… no, that’s not a typo… every 39 seconds! To give you some more context of the scale, 64% of companies have experienced a cyber attack and by 2025, cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion yearly You probably think “it … Read more

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