Category: All

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5 Signs it’s Time to Rebrand

It’s true, an up-to-date and consistent brand identity could be the difference between a customer choosing you over a competitor. According to a survey by Lucidpress and Demand Metric, consistently presented brands are 3-4 times more likely to enjoy excellent

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Why Brand Consistency is Key

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘consistency is key’ when it comes to branding, but have you ever really considered why it’s so important? Quite often, an ad will come on TV or the radio and I instantly know what brand

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Social Media Features You May Have Missed

2020 was certainly an interesting year, to say the least (and has unfortunately carried over to 2021!) While the pandemic raged on, people started running out of things to do, and as we went into lockdown around the globe, the

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2020: The Year of Digital Transformation

2020 was a year like no other and one that many of us small businesses would prefer to forget. Yes, we saw panic buying sweep supermarkets where aisles of toilet paper and food staples were emptied, but this wasn’t the

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