Social Media Features You May Have Missed

2020 was certainly an interesting year, to say the least (and has unfortunately carried over to 2021!) While the pandemic raged on, people started running out of things to do, and as we went into lockdown around the globe, the social media tech-heads put their brains together to come up with some new social media … Read more

2020: The Year of Digital Transformation

2020 was a year like no other and one that many of us small businesses would prefer to forget. Yes, we saw panic buying sweep supermarkets where aisles of toilet paper and food staples were emptied, but this wasn’t the case for most other non-essential businesses. Many lost business, were forced to adhere to trading … Read more

What are Branded Instagram Story GIFs?

Whether you pronounce it ‘GIF’ or ‘JIF’, we’re almost certain that you’ve used these fun little animations at least once in your life! But did you know that you can actually create custom GIFs, specific to your brand? Let’s dumb it down a bit Before we get too ahead of ourselves, we should probably explain … Read more

The Results of the 2020 Yellow Social Media Report are in…

Remember the Yellow pages? That big, chunky book that you got delivered every year without asking, only for it to be used as a spider squasher or a step to get the chocolate off the top shelf? Well, it still exists! Much like everything though, it now exists in an online capacity, and every year … Read more

Instagram Reels: What’s all the Hype and How Should I use Them for my Business?

  In 2020, social media giant Instagram launched their ‘Reels’ section – an in-app competitive feature to TikTok which allows you to upload short-form video content. When used strategically, Reels can be another great way businesses can boost brand reach and exposure. So how should you go about using it and what exactly should you … Read more

Social Media: A Tool for Customer Care

In times like the present, there’s never been a greater need to view and treat your social media channels as a customer service tool. Sure, we can email or phone a business, but in reality, most of the time we want an immediate response and as we’re living in a digital world where we typically … Read more

How to Detox from Social Media When You Work in Social Media

Most of us experience FOMO. Yes, we’ve all had that ‘fear of missing out’… who is out for brunch on Saturday? What happened on Married at First Sight last night? Or even wondering what the latest bikini trend is. For all the social media gurus, marketing lovers and social media devotees, staying active in a … Read more

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