Category: Branding

Point of difference

Why Your Point of Difference is so Important

Are you starting a new business? Or perhaps your current business is going through a rebrand? Congratulations! – you’ve got an exciting time ahead (by the way, we know a great creative comms agency that can help you out!). When

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Keyword* People are part of your brand

Why Your People are a Part of Your Brand

When we think about branding, our mind often goes to a pretty business logo and signage, along with the overall aesthetic of a business. While this does make up a part of your brand, in essence, a brand is so

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Brand Choice

Brand Choice: Why Do We Choose One Over Another?

When you work in branding, you often ponder brand choice and why people choose one over another. Is it the price? How about the perceived quality or reputation of the product? Or is it because someone else told you about

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Brand messaging

How to Craft Powerful Brand Messaging

If you’ve been keeping up with our blogs, as much as I do the Kardashians, you would know by now that we’ve been really into talking about what branding is and why it plays such a vital part in a

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Fotograf HQ Rebrand

5 Signs it’s Time to Rebrand

It’s true, an up-to-date and consistent brand identity could be the difference between a customer choosing you over a competitor. According to a survey by Lucidpress and Demand Metric, consistently presented brands are 3-4 times more likely to enjoy excellent

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Why Brand Consistency is Key

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘consistency is key’ when it comes to branding, but have you ever really considered why it’s so important? Quite often, an ad will come on TV or the radio and I instantly know what brand

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