Good Vibes Only: How to Build a Thriving Workplace Your Employees Love

Creating a fun, thriving workplace is a common goal for businesses. However, getting the balance right can be tricky. As cool as slides in the office and free food Fridays are, employees are more likely to value connection, support, and transparency. Here are some simple ways to create a workplace your employees love coming to.

Show appreciation and encourage connection  

A thriving workplace starts with a connected, collaborative team. Think of the team as the foundation of the workplace. If your employees aren’t set up to succeed, how will the rest of the business flourish?

Staff recognition is a huge contributing factor to overall motivation levels in a workplace. Demonstrating that you are aware of the good work being done can motivate them further. Staff who feel noticed and recognised are more likely to work harder towards their goals than those who feel unseen.

Did you know, organisations with formal recognition programs have 31% less voluntary turnover than organisations that don’t have any program at all. They’re 12x more likely to have strong business outcomes too, such as reaching KPIs and increasing productivity.

In addition to staff recognition, celebrating good work and achievements – big and small – can work as a source of inspiration for staff. This can also position them to want to be celebrated too. Bringing in a sweet treat for your team to celebrate with is never a bad idea, in our opinion!

Another way to recognise your employees is to take notice of their moods throughout the week. Is there potential burnout or negative feelings towards work? As you might have guessed, these aren’t good vibes. By maintaining a team focus, if one employee is not feeling 100%, either mentally or physically, ensure you and the rest of the team can step up and help out.

Approaching your employees to set up a private, informal chat can go a long way. You may discover a way you, as an employer, can help your team members.

Create clarity

Setting expectations for your team is a great way to set them up for success. To love the workplace, employees need to know what they’re doing is important. Being transparent with your employees regarding direction and goals ensures everyone is on the same page. This type of clarity removes confusion and allows the team to have targets to strive for. This can be as simple as quarterly meetings to ensure all staff members, old and new, are up to date.

Furthermore, ensuring your team are aware of company values and beliefs is also an effective way to position your team to work with a similar mindset towards a set of goals. Involving your team in creating a company vision is another way to boost morale and show employees that their opinions matter – another reason for your employees to love coming to work.

Allow time for fun – let people be people

Fun at work…? Big yes! Work doesn’t have to be boring, and it really shouldn’t be.

Let people be people. There will be times when there is a lot of conversation in the office. Although there is such a thing as too much chatter, small amounts are good and healthy. Think of it as a well-bonded team rather than a huge distraction. To balance this out, a silent hour or headphone hour is a good option too.

The workplace environment itself should have elements of fun. Simple ways to add some excitement into your workspace include adding speakers for background music, scattering plants around the office or even a neon sign on the wall – we love ours!

Encourage growth

Every business owner wants their business to grow and thrive, so why wouldn’t you want the same for your employees? Allowing and facilitating employee growth is an important motivating factor for employees. Investing in professional development is a simple way to assist employee growth. In the current day, there are so many professional development courses that employees can complete online, rather than getting on a plane or travelling to an onsite program. As the concept of professional development grows more popular, so do the opportunities.

Professional development helps employees continue to not only be competent in their profession but also excel in it. It should be an ongoing process that continues throughout an individual’s career. Not only does it benefit work outcomes, but it can increase employee confidence and loyalty to your company.

Encouraging growth goes both ways. Flipping the roles for employees to provide feedback to their managers can be highly beneficial. Often, companies who have been around for many years can be stuck in their ways. As a business welcomes new employees who carry a set of new, fresh ideas, ask for them. There is no harm in suggestions and opportunities for progression.

Creating a supportive foundation

No matter how big your team is, each employee has differing needs and wants. Offering flexibility to your employees can allow them to thrive. This means slightly different work hours, working different days or needing more breaks. Giving your team options will go a long way in relation to creating a motivating and supportive workplace.

Encouraging a work-life balance is another way to create a good workplace environment. Positioning your employees to feel energised, ready and motivated is essential. An easy way to achieve this is by encouraging employees to finish on time, take their breaks and take sick or annual leave when they need it. Avoiding burnout should be a priority for everyone in the team.

Some of the notions mentioned above can be actioned today! Check up on your employees, treat your team to lunch or set up a team meeting. Simple actions can welcome many benefits, such as encouraging your team, developing connections, and increasing productivity.

To see how the Oraco team keep up the good vibes, follow us on Instagram.

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We are designers, strategists, storytellers, coders, animal lovers, travellers, adventurers, yogis, gig-goers and coffee, tea & wine enthusiasts. We are for culture that fuels progressive and imaginative thoughts. We value positive change and believe in equality. We expect accountability. We aspire to create a work-life balance. We enjoy teamwork and contribution.

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