Tag: Social Media

Facebook news ban

Updates to the Facebook News Ban Saga

Last week, we brought you the news that Facebook had banned Australians from viewing and sharing news in their Facebook feeds. This Facebook news ban caused many pages that provide crucial information like the CFA and Queensland Health to have

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Social Media: A Tool for Customer Care

In times like the present, there’s never been a greater need to view and treat your social media channels as a customer service tool. Sure, we can email or phone a business, but in reality, most of the time we

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Why Negative Comments May Not be a Bad Thing

No one likes receiving negative comments or reviews.  Unfortunately, negative comments are often out of your control and can occur at any time. But negative comments online provide your business with an opportunity to respond and be a part of

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Is Social Media Bad for our Mental Health?

It’s hard to remember a time when hours scrolling on your ‘For You’ tab on TikTok or Reels on Instagram wasn’t a distinct part of our everyday routine. But imagine being surrounded by social media your whole life and not

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