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A exclusive experience.


The Aesthetica Cosmetic Clinic team has over 20 years’ experience in the cosmetic industry, from injectables and skin concerns to body treatments.

Their goal was to stay committed to their values of excellence and strive to deliver the highest standard of patient outcomes, customer care and service.

Launching in 2022, Aesthetica purchased a shop front in South Yarra and worked with a team of architects and builders to create an exclusive space for their clients. The brief for the space was to create an experience similar to that of walking into a luxury fashion store.


With this vision in mind, Oraco’s task was to identify a brand name that matched the elegance of the clinic renovation while representing the brand’s purpose.

Once the brand name had been secured, our next step was developing a brand identity that exuded elegance, luxury and exclusivity.

The brand identity is sleek, modern and compliments the exterior and interior of the renovation. Sans and Sans Serif fonts were paired with a neutral colour palette to create a timeless look that matched the modern and minimalist environment. Black, white and gold with marble accents were used throughout the clinic so it was important to bring this into online and offline collateral.

Oraco led the launch campaign in the lead up to the opening event. We provided a launch campaign strategy, as well as social media branding and content, with templates to ensure consistency post-launch.


Aesthetica Costmetic Clinic


Strategy Development, Brand Identity Design, Corporate Stationery, Social Media Branding

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